NimbusQL: Release Notes


Query Parameters 

Parameters can now be set up in query editor, helping to keep code cleaner and easier to manage similar variables being used throughout queries/subqueries.

Use the hamburger menu on the far-right of the query page to expand the Parameters section

Parameters Menu

Add Parameters on the pop-out pane and use this variable in your queries.

Query Parameters

Published Reports

This function will allow query designers to publish the query as a Report, which will allow non-query designers to run the report without having access to the query editor.

Query designers can define query parameters that users can modify when running the reports.

To publish a report, check the Available for Reports checkbox when saving the query.

This will now show up on the Reports tab on the left-hand menu pane.

When choosing a report, the user will see any parameters defined in the query and have the ability to change the parameter before running the report.  The Tooltip next to each parameter will show the Notes that were defined when creating the parameter.  Use the Notes to provide instructions for users to use each parameter.

Click Execute Report to run this report.  The users can then export the data, which will download the file to CSV on the Export Queue tab.

Highlight Section to Run Part of Query

Within the query designer, highlight only part of the query.  When clicking Execute Query, only the highlighted portion of the query will be evaluated.

Full Access for Non-Admin Users

As part of the NimbusQL 2.0 release and the published reports functionality, the below change is in place:

  1. Administrator Role – This role will continue to see the full NimbusQL menu path
  2. Non-Administrator Role – This role will only see the Reports and Export Queue tabs

If there are non-administrator users that need to have full access similar to Administrator, there is a new field on the custom tab of the employee record, labeled NimbusQL Role.  Choose the Full Access role and Save.  This user will now be able to see the full menu path.

Bug Fixes

Various bug fixes and usability improvements on the back-end of the tool


  • Schedule Query
    • Allows for multiple queues for scheduled queries to run
  • Revert Changes
    • Ability to revert changes to queries as you are editing them.

Bug Fixes

  • Export Queue
    • In some occasions, export may not complete due to query size.  This version handles that issue
  • Statistics
    • Better presentation of time to execute queries and row counts


  • Save As
    • Allow for saving new query from existing query editor page
  • Query formatter
    • Enhancements to query formatter to better format query according to PL/SQL standard

Bug Fixes

  • Stop Query Execution
    • Better handling of stop query function, which resolves some issues where query page would freeze until query completed execution


  • First Production release
    • After a beta testing round and subsequent bug fixes/enhancements, we have released our first production release of NimbusQL
  • Query formatter
    • SQL queries can quickly get out of format, making things difficult to read.  We implemented a SQL formatter/beautifier so you can spend less time focusing on formatting and more time on building.  Press Ctrl+Shift+F to automatically format your query.
  • Add “Stop Query Execution ” for longer running queries
    • Accidentally query your entire transaction database and now there’s no way to stop execution?  Well, now there is!  When executing a query, click the Stop Query Execution to immediately abort query execution
  • Add Expand/Collapse links to Load and Export pages
    • NimbusQL collapses the long SQL queries on the Load Query and Export Queue pages for easier viewability of the lists.  You may want to expand or collapse all of the queries without clicking each one manually.  Click the Expand all Collapsed Queries link to expand the query text and Collapse all queries link to collapse them


  • Link to NimbusQL Support Center hosted on
  • Faster loading times for autocomplete by leveraging cache

Bug Fixes

  • Data tables max width fix
  • Fix autocomplete/browser timeout issue when the amount of custom records and custom lists are greater than 500
  • Fix timezone issue by displaying all schedules in created timezone format


  • Scheduler add checkbox “Send if no results”
  • Load Dataset
  • About Page
  • Added yellow banner to display license and/or beta information

Bug Fixes

  • Faster loading times for autocomplete by leveraging cache
  • Data tables max width fix
  • Fix issue when updating the bundle which prevents unnecessary file creation
  • Execute query additional error validation and more user-friendly error messages


  • Link to Records Catalog
  • Load Dataset
  • Support for Beta license type
  • Autocomplete, pull in all info from the records catalog

Bug Fixes

  • See more link for longer queries in the Load and Export page
  • Prevent update last access when schedule script or export runs
  • Fix issue when attempting to execute a query with count greater than 1000 elements when using the USING or IN statements
  • Fix issue when displaying special characters on the Load, Schedule, and Export pages
  • Add validation when the schedule email does not have a “To” address


  • Execute Query
  • Load Query
  • Schedule Email
  • Export
  • Licensing functionality (Full, Trial, Free)

Bug Fixes

  • Initial release