Bundle Installation

Bundle Installation

Steps to Follow

  1. Log in to your NetSuite account
  2. From a role with bundle installation permission, navigate to Customization –> SuiteBundler –> Search & Install Bundles
  3. Using the Basic search, enter the keyword NimbusQL Full Release and click the Search button.  Click the NimbusQL Full Release bundle from Nimbus Holdings
  4. On the Bundle Details page, click Install
  5. On the Preview Bundle Install page, click Install Bundle. Confirm the installation on the pop-up by clicking OK
  6. The bundle will install in the background.  You can monitor the status on the Installed Bundles list.
  7. When the process is finished, you will be able to see a NimbusQL tab on the main menu navigation.  Navigate to NimbusQL –> NimbusQL –> NimbusQL on the menu path

That’s it, you’re in!

Reach out to support@nimbuslabs.com with any questions.